Five things you'll only understand if you're from Killie

Five things you'll only understand if you're from Killie!

Published 7th Jan 2016

You'll only understand these if you're from Killie...

Hitting the one way system when you first pass your driving test

You feel like you're driving a Ferrari through Monte Carlo, while in actual fact you are stalling your mum's 9 year old Nissan Micra while attempting a hill start at the lights on John Finnie street.

Getting strange looks from people when you tell people that Halloween is always on a Friday - no matter which day is 31st October!

You are used to the fact that Killie has its own reason for moving Halloween, but when your friend from Ayr asks why you're not really sure. Something to do with shoe factories and pay day...

Using the one day of sunshine as an excuse for a Forum ice-cream...

...even though you had one last night, and the night before, and the night before that! Because who can only eat a tiny bit of Pooh Bear or Raspberry Ripple?!

The tense moment on a night out when half your friends want to go to Sugar Sugar and the other half are set on the Garage! you compromise on Bakers instead. Either way, you know your night will end with chips and cheese from Shah's Palace and a taxi up the road. Everything else is just postponing the inevitable.

You try and work out what the slogan for Killie on the Queens Drive sign actually means... surely it's made already?


Though another sign on Dundonald Road, for many years, has said we're the friendliest shopping town. So lets not get picky about road signs... a compliment's a compliment after all!