Firefighters work to prevent deliberate fires in Ayrshire

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) exists to ensure the safety of people and we would like everyone across Ayrshire to enjoy the upcoming spring period.

The blaze from the shed spread to other properties on Deans Road
Published 4th Mar 2016

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) exists to ensure the safety of people and we would like everyone across Ayrshire to enjoy the upcoming spring period.

But this time of year traditionally sees an increase in the number of deliberate fires across the area - and throughout Scotland.

Last April, there were 193 fires in Ayrshire linked to suspected malicious or anti-social behaviour. These ranged from grass and forest fires, and rubbish and refuse fires to vehicles being set ablaze.

The average for the entire winter season – from November, 2015 to January, 2016 – was 135.

These fires are dangerous; they waste time and money, and keep SFRS crews away from real emergencies. They place an unnecessary burden on SFRS resources, in what is already a busy time of year for firefighters.

As well as potentially delaying attendance at a more serious incident, fire setting can result in injury, property damage and environmental pollution.

James Scott is the SFRS Local Senior Officer for Ayrshire.

He said: “We are now seeing drier weather and, as a result, our woodland and grasslands become more vulnerable to wilful fire raising as well as accidental fires.

“The big risk is that these can become wind-driven. That can present a challenge to our crews in having to deal with a fire that is spread over a considerable distance - which draws on a number of our resources over a sustained period of time.

“That requires us to take action to ensure we always provide an effective emergency response to other parts of communities. Whilst we always have the resources needed to respond to any emergency, having to attend needless incidents can delay crews who may be needed elsewhere.

“Another area of concern is fly-tipping. A fire started at an area of refuse can spread to nearby buildings, present a danger to people and threaten properties.

“These can also present a risk to crews as items such as refrigerator gases, asbestos and aerosols can be masked by refuse.”

The LSO added: “Deliberate fires have the potential to cause harm, threaten properties and disrupt the community, not to mention the negative environmental impact on the countryside and the threat to animal life.

“We would ask communities to be vigilant and to report any sign of fire raising activity to the police. To those responsible, we would urge them to consider the impact their reckless actions might have.”

SFRS Assistant Chief Officer Robert Scott is Director of Prevention & Protection.

He told how crews in Scotland dealt with 380 deliberate fires in properties of value over March and April last year.

The estimated average cost for attendance at deliberate fires is £2,000 per incident - last spring that amounted to a cost in excess of £7million for the SFRS.

ACO Scott said: “We want everyone to enjoy a safe and pleasant Easter break. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service typically sees an increase in the amount of deliberate fires and fly-tipping at this time of year and it is important that people are aware of the dangers and consequences of such actions.

“Whilst we have seen a decrease in the total number of deliberate fires in Scotland over the past four years, there were still 2,428 deliberate fires recorded last Spring. These incidents are a waste of SFRS resources and can take firefighters away from more serious fires.

“During Spring our personnel will be working around the clock. Not just fighting fires, but visiting schools and youth groups to engage with young people.

“Ultimately, we are working together to help our communities across Scotland. Fire setting is an offence – don’t accept it, report it.”


  1. Be aware of strangers loitering in your street – if they do so for some time, inform Police Scotland on the non-emergency number 101.
  1. Contacting Police Scotland via the non-emergency number 101 to share information on anyone who deliberately sets fires. Alternatively, give the information anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
  1. Reporting any build-up of rubbish to your local authority or community fire station. This will help ensure it can be removed and prevent fires.
  1. Ensuring you are aware of where the children or young people you look after are – and what they’re doing.
  1. Making sure that children and young people are aware of the risks of playing with fire and the consequences of deliberately setting a fire.
  1. Reporting any fly-tipping directly to your local authority or to the National Dumb Dumpers Stop line on 0845 230 40 90.

Deliberate fire-setting is an offence and anyone with information regarding fire setters can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Search for #springfires on Twitter and add the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service on Facebook to stay up-to-date with our 2016 spring safety campaign.