Fairer Scotland Comes Back to Kilmarnock

Published 28th Sep 2015

The Scottish Government is inviting you to have your say on what a Fairer Scotland should look like in 2030, and what should be done to make this vision a reality.

In addition to the conversations that are already happening, the Scottish Government wants to work with a broad mix of people across the country to prioritise practical steps that can be taken to create a fairer Scotland.

Since the Fairer Scotland discussion was launched, a number of Listening events have been held across the country and we have heard from a wide range of people.

The next phase is taking these ideas and working with the people of Scotland to shape them into a set of recommendations for how to create a Fairer Scotland.

As part of this process we are hosting a free planning event in Kilmarnock at The Grand Hall on Tuesday, 29th September from 5.30pm to 9pm. This event is an opportunity for you to suggest and prioritise the different things the Scottish Government could do to create a fairer Scotland.

Alex Neil MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, said: “These planning events are a new and different way of doing government. Rather than writing a long policy document and asking people to read and comment on it, we want to create our policy ideas for a Fairer Scotland together with the people of Scotland. We want to be an open and accessible government and that is why we are asking people, up and down the country, to work with us to create a set of recommendations to bring the country’s ideas for a fairer Scotland to life.”

At the planning event we want to hear, discuss, prioritise and take action on ideas to create a Fairer Scotland. We want to hear about what needs to change and things that can be done differently to make people’s lives better. This is your chance to think about and prioritise ideas that will help make Scotland a fairer place to live and make a real impact on Scotland’s future.

The priorities that come from these planning events will feed into a final Citizen Forum in December. The Fairer Scotland Forum will host a broadly representative audience made up of people from across the country who will work with policy makers, experts, and political representatives to create a series of recommendations on how we can all work to create a Fairer Scotland.