Elderly man rescued from house blaze in Kilmarnock

An elderly man was taken to hospital in the early hours of this morning following a fire at a house in Kilmarnock.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) crews responded to reports of an alarm activating within the two storey property at 00.03am on Wednesday, January 27, 2016.

They quickly extinguished the fire in the living room.

The elderly man was found to be suffering the effects of smoke inhalation.

He was given oxygen at the scene and then taken by ambulance to nearby Crosshouse Hospital.

Firefighters ensured the property was safe before leaving the scene just under an hour later.

The incident is a clear demonstration of the value of working smoke alarms in homes.

An SFRS spokeswoman said: “Fire can strike anywhere and spread in an instant so working smoke alarms are vital to giving people the time needed to get to safety.

“Every property should have an alarm on each level of the building and it should be tested weekly to ensure it is protecting those within the premises.”

To request a home fire safety visit, phone 0800 0731 999 or find more information on the website at www.firescotland.gov.uk