Dugdale Will Study Welsh Devolution in Bid to Rally Labour Support in Scotland

Published 20th Sep 2015

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale will look to learn lessons from Wales in her efforts to revive her party's fortunes.

Ms Dugdale will meet Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones and Labour Assembly Members on a visit to Cardiff this week.

Labour won 25 of the 40 seats in Wales at the General Election in May, in contrast to a near wipe-out in Scotland where only one MP, Ian Murray, remains.

Speaking in advance of the visit, Ms Dugdale said the party had managed to offer a positive vision'' for people in Wales.

She said: The success of Labour in Wales has lessons for those of us working to rebuild trust in our party in Scotland.

I want to learn from how the Labour Welsh Government has refreshed itself and constantly made use of the powers of devolution to make a difference to the lives of people in Wales.

During the election people told me that they didn't know what we stand for or who we stand with.

Under my leadership nobody will be left in any doubt - we stand for a Scotland where a person's ability to get on in life is determined by their potential, work rate and ambition, not by how much money their parents have.''

During her visit Ms Dugdale will also visit a Barnardo's Centre in the city to see Families First, a programme funded by the Labour Welsh Government to help disadvantaged families.

She said: The gap between the richest and the rest in Scotland's schools is a source of national shame. It's just not right that how much money a young person's family has determines so much about their chance to get on in life.

The Families First programme is an example of a devolved government using the powers it has to transform lives.''

Later in the week Ms Dugdale will speak at the UK National Women's Conference and the UK Labour Party Conference in Brighton in her first major engagements outside of Scotland since her election as leader last month.