Distillery visits hit new high

Germans are the most keen to learn about Scotland's whisky industry

Published 8th Sep 2017

The number of visitors to Scotland's whisky distilleries reached an all-time high of 1.7 million last year.

The Scotch Whisky Association's annual survey showed visitor figures rival that of attractions such as the Scottish National Gallery, with tourists spending ÂŁ53 million last year.

Whisky lovers primarily come from Germany, Scotland and other parts of the UK, as well as the USA and France.

Tourism Secretary Fiona Hyslop said: "These figures are certainly good news, showing the esteem with which Scotch whisky is held around the world and the value of the whisky industry to Scotland, beyond simply revenue generated by sales and exports.

"I am confident that as we see new whisky markets being opened up, we will also see a further increase in visitors, strengthening local economies in the process.''

But SWA chief executive Karen Betts criticised the level of tax, or excise duty, placed on goods like beers, wine and whisky, saying this hikes up prices for tourists.

She said: "The high 80% tax burden on an average-priced bottle of whisky means that foreign visitors often pay more tax for Scotch in Scotland than in their own countries.

"That can't be the right way to encourage more visitors and to support an industry that plays such an important role in the economy, tourism and local communities."