Detectives hunt for man who robbed Ayr bookies

Published 14th Jan 2016

Detectives are hunting for a man who robbed an Ayrshire bookies last night.

The man vaulted the counter of Ladbrokes on Tam's Brig in Ayr at 9:35pm on Wednesday 13th January 2015.

He threatened staff and made off with a three figure sum of money - no weapon was used and no-one was injured.

He's described as white, with a local accent, aged around 25 to 35 and he was wearing a dark hoodie with a greay jacket and jogging bottoms - he was also wearing a black and white chequered scarf.

Detective Constable Grant Currie, from Ayr CID, said today:

“Thankfully no one was injured during the robbery, however, it was a very frightening experience for the staff and customers at the shop. “Our enquiries are still at quite an early stage. We are analysing available CCTV and conducting interviews. I would appeal to anyone who was in the area of the bookmakers at the time of incident to contact police with any relevant information.” “You may have heard a disturbance, or seen someone running away from Tam’s Brig around the time of the incident. You may think the information you hold is insignificant, but as part of our larger inquiry, your information could make all the difference. “I would ask that anyone who has information about the man responsible or can help with our enquiries, please contact police at Ayr via the non-emergency number 101. You can also contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where confidentiality can be maintained.”