Dead seal causes Arran music festival controversy

It has been confirmed a Seal pup which was found backstage at a folk music festival on Arran at the weekend washed up on the shore.

Published 4th May 2016

It has been confirmed a Seal pup which was found backstage at a folk music festival on Arran at the weekend washed up on the shore.

The front man for band Azure Blue was accused of battering the mammal to death on social media and there was a public outcry on Facebook but, Police have now confirmed the pup was already dead and their enquiry is closed.

However, the SSPCA say they're still looking into the incident.

A post of the bands Facebook page says: "I can’t believe that I have to do this because I have been accused of this horrendous act of killing a seal pup, with a brick. Because of some wee internet troll by the name of Louie John Lewis, from Glasgow East Enders Hektoro Berserko, suits him, I have no choice. Wether out of jealousy or mental illness he has posted that he personally saw me kill a “baby seal with a brick”, on the beach in Arran. This is total lies and fantasy, and as we now know who he is, we will be having a chat face to face as he refuses to communicate by email or give us his phone number."

"The reason for this post is my band is now receiving death threats which is truly unbelievable, in fact it is totally over the top. As far as for anyone that knows me, they know this is bullshit but why nobody else is saying these are lies is beyond me.

"I have personally known Sonus otherwise known as Colonel Mustard, Kevin!, Roddy, Craig, Gary and John Mcalinden for over 20 years. They know that I didn’t kill a seal pup and that I am not capable of such a thing, I have two Chocolate Labradors and a cat, do I sound like the sort of person that would kill an seal? Also Mark from the Giro’s knows us, The Happy Band knows us, if anybody still has any doubts feel free to get in touch. As for the death threats and threats of violence they will all be reported to Police Scotland who will be looking into it."