Court hears Ayrshire bodybuilder Michael O'Hanlon died after being stabbed four times

Former Mr Scotland bodybuilding champion Michael O'Hanlon was stabbed four times and died from massive blood loss, a pathologist told a murder trial on Monday.

Published 15th May 2017
Last updated 15th May 2017

Former Mr Scotland bodybuilding champion Michael O'Hanlon was stabbed four times and died from massive blood loss, a pathologist told a murder trial on Monday.

Dr Julie McAdam was giving was giving evidence at the trial of Steven Kirkwood, 44, who denies murdering 45-year-old Michael by repeatedly striking him on the body with a knife at HK Autotek, Stevenston, Ayrshire, on July 25, last year.

Kirkwood is claiming he acted in self defence.

The jury was told that Michael was 6 ft and weighed 17st 3lbs. Dr McAdam said: “He had a bodybuilder's physique.”

She told prosecutor Richard Goddard that the fatal wound to Michael's abdomen cut two major blood vessels to the legs.

Mr Goddard asked Dr McAdam: “It cut two major blood vessels and caused massive internal bleeding,” and she replied: “Yes.”

The prosecutor went on: “In addition to the fatal wound there were two to the left side of the chest and one on the back of his right shoulder, but none of these injuries was immediately life-threatening,” and Dr McAdam replied: “That's correct.”

She added: “It is not possible to say what order the stab wounds were inflicted. “

Dr McAdam told the jury at the High Court in Glasgow that the injuries could have been caused by one knife, but she could not rule that more than one knife had been used.”

She added: “There was a series of wounds on Mr O'Hanlon's fingers consistent with having been caused by a knife and the probability of a serrated knife having been used.”

Mr Goddard asked: “If a man was seen to use a punching motion towards the abdomen and chest of the deceased would the injuries be consistent with that,” and she replied: “Yes, they could be.”

Dr McAdam was then asked if a man had a knife and waved it in front of himself and behind himself could it cause those injuries and she said: “No. You need to have a stabbing motion.”

Mr Goddard then said: “Could a person have caused four injuries cutting bone and cutting cartilidge and not be aware they have caused any injuries,” and Dr McAdam told him: “I don't think so.”

She was asked what sort of force would be needed to caused the injuries and replied: “Mild to moderate force.”

The court has heard that Kirkwood and Michael had exchanged abusive texts in the days prior to his death.

Michael and his friend Forbes Cowan, one of the strongest men in the world competitors, turned up at midday on July 25, last year, at the garage to talk things out.

Kirkwood was also there and witnesses have told of a struggle between Michael and Kirkwood.

He denies murdering Michael and having a knife in a public place and attempting to defeat the ends of justice by disposing of it.

The trial before judge Lady Rae continues.