Concerns raised about 'catalogue of sexual harassment' at Holyrood

Published 29th Oct 2017

Human rights lawyer, Aamer Anwar, says woman working at all levels of the Scottish Parliament have been subjected to sexual harassment.

He made the claims after allegations of inappropriate behaviour emerged about women MPs being harassed at Westminster.

He told the Sunday Herald he had spoken to ''a number of women'' over the last two years about their treatment by men at Holyrood.

He said: ''It's a catalogue of sexual harassment, stalking, social media abuse, sexual innuendos, verbal sexual abuse, touching, sexual assaults, requests for sex, cover-up, isolation and bullying.''

MPs at Westminster have been accused of intimidating or propositioning young women inappropriately.

The lawyer said women at Holyrood had come to him about the same problem.

He added: ''I have spoken to several individuals who have been subject to sexual harassment.

This is not just a problem for one party. It is a problem for all parties.''

A Scottish Parliament spokesman said: ''Sexual harassment is unacceptable and we take any allegation of sexual harassment in the workplace very seriously.

The Parliament has robust procedures in place to investigate and deal with any reports of sexual harassment in the workplace. If any individuals were to witness or experience such behaviour, we would encourage them to report it.''