Record breaking Cash for Kids total of £1.9m helps 45,000 children

Thanks to your donations youngsters have benefitted through grants to local organisations.

Published 20th Jan 2020
Last updated 20th Jan 2020

More than £1.9m raised by Cash for Kids has helped 45,000 children in the West of Scotland.

Thanks to your donations youngsters have benefitted through grants to local organisations.

Donations were made to Mission Christmas and our other appeals throughout the year and charity chairman Eddie Hawthorn is thrilled.

He said: "I’m absolutely over the moon.

"The number of people that have made donations this year is unbelievable.

"The total is record breaking and I can’t thank the people of west of Scotland enough."

Mr Hawthorn was also keen to thank those involved with Cash for Kids who put in hard work behind the scenes.

He continued: "From the projects out in the west, to the local communities, to corporate donaters, to the cash for kids team and everyone at Radio Clyde, it's been immense.

"The general public seem to take heart in the fact that we’ve got a real problem in the west of Scotland which is that our kids are going hungry.

"When they’re not at school they have a problem; they don’t get a hot meal.

"A lot of them go hungry and west of Scotland people have taken that to their heart so I want to thank them."

Despite being delighted with the total amount raised, Mr Hawthorn is saddened that it's necessary.

He said: "On the one hand its phenomenal we’ve been able to help that many children but on the other hand it’s a depressing figure that 45,000 children actually do need help.

"We have a very strong community in the west of Scotland and these kids can rest assured that we’re going to do our best to make sure we make a difference in their lives."