Calls to have Prestwick pet shop shut down

A petition to have an Ayrshire pet shop shut down has gained more than 4,700 signatures.

Published 18th Apr 2016

A petition to have an Ayrshire pet shop shut down has gained more than 4,700 signatures.

Pets Aquarium in Prestwick has come under fire for selling kittens - the petition claims they are being kept in small cages with no food or water.

It says: "Little kittens are being kept in tiny little cages without proper bedding, food or fresh water, they are being kept in a noisey room full of birds.

"It's cold and damp, not the proper environment to bring up healthy kittens, they look too young to be away from their mother.

"They must be stopped. The SSPCA has been contacted."

It is not the first time the shops been in the spotlight - a similar petition was started in 2012.

SSPCA Senior Inspector Karl Knowles said: "We are aware of an online petition regarding a pet shop selling kittens in Prestwick and we have attended the premises following calls to our animal helpline.

"Although the kittens were not at the pet shop during my visit, I was able to assess them and found them to be in good condition and old enough to be without their mother.

"I have strongly advised the owner against selling kittens from the shop, although they are licensed by the council to do so.

"The Scottish SPCA regularly visit these premises to check on the welfare of the animals."

South Ayrshire Council's Head of Neighbourhood Services, Mike Newall said: "The Council's Environmental Health team has received several complaints today regarding Pets Aquarium in Prestwick and we are currently looking into these. Anyone selling animals has a duty to ensure they are well cared for, and the Council can take enforcement action to ensure sellers comply with legislation. Animals need to be kept in suitable accommodation, at a temperature appropriate to the species, they must also have adequate food and water. Where complaints are made, the Council can investigate and a vet can assess the conditions where the animals are kept."

A statement from David Allan, owner of Pets Aquarium said: "South Ayrshire Council and their vet inspects yearly before renewing pet licence and SSPCA inspects regularly.

"Kittens were bought in on Thursday last week and put into adequate sized clean accommodation with food and drink and a fleece pad to sleep on. They were eating and drinking well and were cared for appropriately and were sold by Saturday.

"I have cared for livestock for 48 years in the pet trade and owned Pets Aquarium for 44 years and hold certificates in animal welfare."