Call to ban Trump from Scottish Government-owned airport

Opposition leaders in Scotland argue Trump should not be able to use a Scottish Government-owned airport during his visit.

Published 11th Jul 2018

They are urging ministers to rule out the use of Prestwick Airport.

Opposition leaders in Scotland have urged ministers to rule out the use of a Scottish Government-owned airport for Donald Trump's visit.

The US president is expected to travel north of the border on Friday, and is believed to be spending the weekend playing golf at his Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire.

Flying restrictions have been put in place around the resort and nearby Glasgow Prestwick Airport, which was bought by Scottish ministers in 2013.

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard and Scottish Greens co-convener Patrick Harvie said the publicly owned facility should not be available to Mr Trump.

The Scottish Government said ministers do not intervene on how the airport is run.

In a joint statement, Mr Leonard and Mr Harvie said: 'For Donald Trump to travel to Scotland with public assistance and ease when his travel ban has caused outrage and despair around the world would simply not be acceptable.

'The Scottish Government owns Prestwick Airport. We believe that this publicly-owned facility should not be used for Donald Trump's visit.

'We urge that the Scottish Government rules out any use of Prestwick by the president or his entourage, and so send the most powerful message possible that Donald Trump is not welcome in Scotland.'

A Scottish Government spokesman said: 'Prestwick Airport is operated on a commercial basis and at arm's length from the Scottish Government, in compliance with EU state aid rules.

'Ministers do not intervene in any specific commercial matters at the airport.

'Scotland has deep and longstanding ties of family, friendship and business with the United States, which will continue to endure.

'At the same time, we will not compromise our fundamental values of equality, diversity and human rights, and we expect these values to be made clear during the presidential visit to the UK.

'We would encourage those attending any protests to do so peacefully and safely.'