Brexit bill powers row could haunt Tories for generations, says Blackford

The Tories will be “haunted for generations'' if they force through the EU Withdrawal Bill against the wishes of Holyrood, the SNP Westminster leader will insist.

Author: Natalie CrawfordPublished 8th Jun 2018

The Tories will be “haunted for generations'' if they force through the EU Withdrawal Bill against the wishes of Holyrood, the SNP Westminster leader will insist.

Ian Blackford will use his speech to the SNP conference in Aberdeen to condemn such a plan, claiming it would be a “democratic outrage'' and would also “fly in the face of the fundamental principles of devolution''.

His warning comes ahead of MPs at the House of Commons considering the key Brexit legislation next week.

However the Scottish Parliament has already voted against giving its formal consent to the Bill, with Labour MSPs, Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Greens supporting the SNP's stance.

Since devolution was established, the UK Government has never imposed legislation which takes in devolved areas against the wishes of the Scottish Parliament.

The Scottish Brexit Minister Mike Russell has already warned Tory ministers they are entering “very dangerous times'' if they fail to remove the clause which concerns the issue of Scottish Parliament consent for devolved powers returning to the UK following Brexit.

The SNP at Westminster has now tabled amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill “to protect the Scottish Parliament from the Tories' power grab,'' Mr Blackford said.

Speaking ahead of the conference, which is expected to attract some 2,000 people to Aberdeen, he stated: “The SNP will always protect the powers of the Scottish Parliament and the devolution settlement that so many people fought so hard for.

“The Tories think they can do whatever they want to Scotland and get away with it. Next week we can make clear that a failure to amend this bill and to listen to the views of the Scottish Parliament will be a decision that will haunt the Tories for generations.''

He called on Labour and the Liberal Democrats in the Commons to “join us in defending devolution against this Tory power grab''.

Mr Blackford continued: “This Tory government seems determined to destroy the founding principles of devolution.

“The Tories haven't won a democratic mandate from the people of Scotland for over 60 years, yet they are planning constraints on Holyrood's existing powers without consent. It would be a democratic outrage - and it would fly in the face of the fundamental principles of devolution.''

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw hit back at the SNP, claiming the conference was taking place at a time when Nicola Sturgeon's party was “riven with splits over both independence and its plan for yet another referendum''.

The Tory MSP added: “The problem for the rest of us is that the more time the nationalist spend bickering the less time they have for running Scotland's Government, supporting our economy and improving schools.

“It's clear Nicola Sturgeon is losing her grip. It's time for her, just for once, to put the country before her own party's interests.''

Labour is also tabling amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill, with the party hoping these could help break the deadlock between the two governments.

These would reduce the length of time the powers could lie with Westminster, and would also ensure MSPs must consent to legislation in any area involving international obligations.

Shadow Scottish secretary Lesley Laird said: “Labour is the party of devolution and we will always defend it. We have tried to find solutions throughout this process that delivers a result for the people of Scotland.

“Labour has been the only party making a serious attempt to break the Brexit deadlock, and these proposals are a serious attempt to stop the UK heading towards a constitutional crisis over devolution.

“The people of Scotland just want this mess fixed. It's time to do that, and Labour has outlined a path.'