beReady! Business support reaches new level in East Ayrshire

Business in East Ayrshire got a major boost with the launch of a new programme of business support from the Council’s Economic Development Team.

Published 12th Apr 2016

Business in East Ayrshire got a major boost with the launch of a new programme of business support from the Council’s Economic Development Team. The beReady programme aims to build the capacity of local businesses by giving them access to a team of consultants who will share their knowledge and expertise through a programme of workshops and one to one support. The aim is to offer practical, hands on solutions to the challenges of growing a business. Representatives from seventy five East Ayrshire companies attended the launch event at the Park Hotel, Kilmarnock to meet the Business Support Team and the beReady consultants who have been selected for their expertise in Sales, Finance, Digital, Procurement, People, Innovation and Management. Martin Murphy, of SCMG which specialises in procurement, delivered a keynote presentation. He said: “The whole idea of the beReady programme is great. With this initiative we can help companies change their focus, be more proactive, and beReady to capitalise on business opportunities”. “beReady changes perceptions about what support companies can expect to get from a local authority. It’s all about collaborative working: between the companies; the consultants and the Business Support team. We’re very excited to be part of the programme, and it’s easy to see how businesses will benefit from participating in the workshops and making lasting contacts to help them maximise their potential.” Councillor Jim Buchanan, Cabinet Member for Economy said: “The launch of beReady was a great success, it was very encouraging to see such a big turnout from a hugely diverse range of businesses. It reflects the great variety of enterprises in the area. The one thing they have in common is a desire to make the most of every opportunity. With this structured programme of support they can take time, with the help of our consultants, to work out where they are and where they want to be and how they can get there.” “We’ve got great companies locally and we’re looking forward to doing all we can to help them achieve their goals. Success breeds success and what we’re doing will help boost productivity, jobs and ultimately our local economy.” To find out more about the BeReady programme and other Business Support, Tel: 01563 503238 Email: