Bailey Gwynne stabbing “a moment of anger”

Published 2nd Mar 2016

A teenager who stabbed a school pupil told police as he was handcuffed "it was just a moment of anger'', a court has heard.

The youth is accused of murdering Bailey Gwynne during a fight at Cults Academy in Aberdeen in October last year.

The 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, wiped away tears as Pc Christopher Masson outlined the police response during the second day of the trial at the High Court in the city.

Mr Masson, 37, said another officer handcuffed the distressed youth, who said to them: "Is he dead? It was just a moment of anger.''

The accused told them there was a knife in a bin at the school - without being asked - and a search of an inside pocket of his jacket revealed a knife sheath, the officer said.

The trial has heard how the accused and Bailey became involved in a fight on the afternoon of October 28, and Bailey died after being struck on the body by a knife.

The youth denies murder and being in possession of knives and two knuckledusters on occasions between August 2013 and the day Bailey died.

Paramedic Gary Gillespie, 46, told the court Bailey was "probably the palest person I've ever seen''.

There was sobbing from the public gallery as the first responder told how Bailey was conscious when he arrived but gasping for breath.

The teenager had obviously suffered a "catastrophic blood loss'', he said, and his heart stopped shortly after a full ambulance crew arrived.

On the way to hospital, Mr Gillespie said he tried to stop the bleeding from a 2cm wound to the left of the boy's chest.

Cults depute head David Strang, 50, who spoke to the accused after the fight,said he used a tissue he gave him to wipe his nose and wipe blood off hishands.

He said: "When he came over to put the tissue in the bin he said 'I'd better give you this', and handed over a knuckleduster from his pocket.''

Mr Strang said he thought he remembered the youth saying he had stabbed someone during a call to his father or mother.

Asked about the conversation during cross-examination, he added: "He said that he had been called fat and that he had retaliated that his mother was fat, and then the fight broke out from there.''

The witness agreed with defence counsel Ian Duguid that he meant "responded'' rather than "retaliated''.

The jury heard earlier from a friend of the accused that he had shown him a knife a day or two before the alleged murder.

The witness, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said: "He just thought it was something cool to have.

"I said you're too young for that kind of stuff, you might get caught or get in trouble.''

The court heard that Bailey and the accused were not enemies before the fight but that Bailey would sometimes mock his weight to others.

Under cross-examination, a friend of the victim said: "He would make the odd comment. He would mock his large size. When he said it it was not in (the accused's) presence.''

He added: "He's quite a strong guy and he generally just mocks anybody of a larger size, not just (the accused).

"He was quite proud of his strength and talked down to people who weren't as strong as him.''

The court heard Bailey was with the accused and several others in a corridor at lunchtime when he refused someone a second biscuit from the packet he had.

They began name-calling and witnesses said Bailey responded to a comment about his mother by punching the accused and putting him in a headlock.

The youth then reached into his pocket and thrust an object into his body, one witness said.

The trial, before Lady Stacey, continues on Thursday.