Ayrshire Teen Who Set Fire To Mum Sentenced

Published 8th Jun 2015

A TEENAGER from Newmilns who set fire to his mother after spraying her with lighter fuel as she lay in bed has been given 21 months child detention

The 15-year-old, who had been taken home by police the same evening, told his victim: "Don't go to sleep - I'm going to burn you in bed."

He punched and kicked her as she tried to put out the flames then said: "Don't bother contacting the police - I've cut the wires.

Andrew Lazarrin, prosecuting, said the woman fled the house in Newmilns in her night clothes and ran to a friend's home, "chalk white and in a state of shock."

When police arrived, the youth threw a piece of banister then brandished a baseball bat at officers, who drew their batons and CS gas sprays.

"The accused was then restrained and handcuffed," Mr Lazarrin told Kilmarnock Sheriff Court, adding the victim suffered bruising and singed hair.

The boy, who is now 16 but cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted assaulting his mother to her injury and danger of life in January this year.

He also admitted cutting the phone line, threatening or abusive behaviour, shouting, swearing and challenging police to fight.

Sheriff Alistair Watson sentenced him to 21 months detention in residential accommodation due to the "gravity of the offence".

Sheriff Watson also ordered that the boy remains under local authority supervision for 10 months after his release "to protect the public from serious harm".