Ayrshire Police seize around 200 liters of alcohol from Stranraer fans

Published 12th Jan 2016

Detectives in Ayrshire have revealed they stopped more than 40 buses making their way to the Stranraer v Celtic match at the weekend and seized around 2-hundred litres of alcohol.

The law states it’s an offence to have alcohol on a bus used for sporting events.

It comes as investigations continue into sectarian singing and anti-social behaviour at the game on Sunday.

Inspector Dean Pennington from Ayrshire’s Road Policing Department said: “This was a very worthwhile operation which sent a clear message that Police Scotland will not tolerate the consumption or carrying of alcohol on board buses travelling to football matches.

“Whilst the checks proved positive and removed a significant amount of alcohol, no doubt helping to reduce potential disorder, it is disheartening to see that some supporters continue to carry and consume alcohol on their way to matches.

“It is against the law and we will continue to target anyone who ignores the legislation, to ensure people can enjoy the football in a safe environment.”