Ayrshire man jailed for raping man with learning difficulties

Alistair McCreath admitted the offences at the High Court in Edinburgh

Published 17th Oct 2017

An Ayrshire man who repeatedly raped a man with learning difficulties has been jailed for four and a half years.

52-year-old Alistair McCreath

A judge told McCreath that according to a background report prepared on him he was unable to articulate any reason why he had indulged his sexual urges in that way.

Lord Boyd of Duncansby said at the High Court in Edinburgh: "I can only conclude you did this because you could and you thought you could get away with it."

The judge added: “Whether drink played any part in it I am unable to say."

Lord Boyd ordered that McCreath should be kept under supervision for a further year and told him he would be on the sex offenders' register indefinitely.

The judge told McCreath that if he had been convicted of the rape offence after trial he would have sentenced him to seven years' imprisonment.

McCreath, of Carrick Street, Ayr, had earlier admitted raping the man, who was incapable of consenting, between January and September last year at a village in Ayrshire.

Defence counsel Susan Duff said: “He has no previous convictions and until now has been a law-abiding member of the community."

She said that at the time of the offence it appeared McCreath had been drinking more than he should have.

Mrs Duff said that McCreath cannot not explain his actions. She added: "He is willing to undergo treatment to address his behaviour.