Ayrshire kids too anxious to go to school

The Scottish Government needs to get to grips with children who refuse to go to school - according to Tory MSP Murdo Fraser’s concerned by the rise in youngsters suffering from anxiety or “school-phobia”.

Published 17th Mar 2016

Children as young as four are refusing to attend school as a result of separation anxiety or school phobia according to a Freedom of Information request uncovered from Murdo Fraser MSP.

School refusers are defined as children who display an extreme determination not to attend school as a result of separation anxiety and other mental health related issues. They are not classed as home schooled and receive a limited education.

The number of children displaying this behaviour has doubled in South Ayrshire where there are now 11 primary school refusers - up from 5 across primary and secondary in 2011.

However the local authority say despite the low numbers they have a team in place to help these kids.

We weren't able to obtain any figures for North or East Ayrshire.

Murdo is calling for the Scottish Government to do more to combat this problem by helping parents understand the symptoms and possible fixes for these issues.

Commenting Murdo Fraser MSP said:

“These children are not getting a proper education as a result of anxiety or school phobia related issues.

“The fact that there are 11 primary school children classed as school refusers is concerning since this means kids as young as four could be too worried to go to school.

“The Scottish Government must get to the bottom of this otherwise the number of children missing out on education will only continue to rise.

“Without access to a proper education the life chances of these children are greatly reduced and I would like to see a proper strategy to tackle this growing issue.”