Ayrshire Family Thank Selfess Scots Who've Pledged To Save Lives

An Ayrshire family's thanking selfless Scots who've joined the bone marrow register - which could help save kids like their 5 year old daughter.

Published 15th May 2015

An Ayrshire family's thanking selfless Scots who've joined the bone marrow register - which could help save kids like their 5 year old daughter.

Ailsa Croll from Dundonald battled Aplastic Anemia for 3 years - only winning the fight after her 2nd transplant 16 months ago.

Nearly 60,000 people in Scotland have made the pledge.

The new data reveals that people who live in Scotland are more likely to have pledged to donate their stem cells to a stranger than people in England.

Some 1.08 per cent of people in Scotland, a total of 57,703 potential donors, are on the Anthony Nolan register. This compares to 0.8 per cent of people in England, or 433,931 individuals.

People aged 16 to 30 can join the Anthony Nolan bone marrow donor register, just by filling in an online form and providing a saliva sample. They will then stay on the register until they are 60.

If they are asked to donate to a patient in need of a transplant, 90 per cent will give their stem cells through a simple outpatient procedure similar to giving blood.

Anthony Nolan needs heroes of all ages to help spread the word, from schools, communities and workplaces to friends and family. Be a hero - find out how you can help by going to www.anthonynolan.org/capes