Attacker faces jail after leaving victim with ear hanging off

Boxing champion Lee Nightingale attacked a couple in a nightclub in Ayrshire.

Author: Clyde NewsPublished 4th Jan 2018

Lee Nightingale, 20, attacked Calum Law and Calum's girlfriend Emma McDade in The Loft Nightclub in Stewarton, Ayrshire.

Mr Nightingale punched the Royal Navy serviceman Mr Law and then used a bottle to rain blows over his head causing extensive damage to his face and ear.

Calum needed 27 stitches to re-attach his ear after being attacked with a bottle by the Boxing Champion, and 40 stitches in total to seal all his wounds.

Nightingale was ejected from the club by security staff where he threatened to stab people.

In Paisley Sheriff Court, Mr Nightingale denied the charges of assault claiming it was self defence.

But a social work blunder prevented him from being sentenced when Nightingale returned to the dock on 4 January 2018.

After hearing that the crucial reports had not been prepared as social work wrote to Nightingale at an address he no longer lived at, Sheriff James Spy adjourned the case until next month for the reports to be prepared and continued Nightingale's bail.

Nightingale could be caged for as long as five years when he returns to the dock to learn his fate.