Adele fan hit by falling chain at Glasgow gig

A fan at Adele's Glasgow concert has been injured by a falling chain.

Published 26th Mar 2016

A fan at Adele's Glasgow concert has been injured by a falling chain.

The Hello singer was performing her sell-out tour at the SSE Hydro on Friday night when a chain that was part of the production came down and hit the fan.

The injured spectator was taken to hospital and Adele, who was apparently unaware of the incident at the time, promised it would not happen again.

She tweeted: "I'm so sorry to hear that someone got hurt at my show tonight.

"It's being investigated to ensure it won't happen again. X''

Other spectators tweeted that the falling equipment was a piece of a lighting rig.

Stuart Duffy, who was at the show, said the lights came up and other spectators were moved.

He posted a picture on Twitter of the rigging that appeared to have malfunctioned.

A spokeswoman for the venue told the Daily Record: "A chain belonging to the production came down and hit one person who was taken to hospital as a precaution.

"We are liaising with the production crew to ascertain what happened. This is all we know at this stage.''

Adele will perform a second show at the 13,000 capacity arena on Saturday.

Her album 25 stayed at the number one spot for the 12th consecutive week, denying rock band James - who had been leading the chart earlier in the week - the top spot.