81 year old robbed at knifepoint in Ayr

Published 3rd Dec 2018
Last updated 7th Dec 2018

Police are putting on extra patrols in Ayr after an 81 year old man was confronted by a robber at knifepoint and forced to drive him to a bank.

It happened on Friday lunchtime and police think the suspect may have been stalking his victim in the Park Circus area for a couple of days.

The victim was contronted on his doorstep at around 11.45am by a man in his late-20s who forced him into a blue Jaguar and made him drive to the branch of Nat West on Miller Road where he raised the alarm and attacker fled.

Det Sgt Craig Semple said it was "absolutely vital" that the man responsible for the crime was apprehended.

"It is absolutely vital that we trace the individual responsible for this despicable crime."

"This was an extremely distressing experience for the elderly man and thankfully he was not injured, however it is absolutely vital that we trace the individual responsible for this despicable crime.

"From inquiries carried out so far, we understand the suspect was seen in a lane behind Park Circus shortly before the incident took place.

"I would appeal to anyone who noticed a man matching the above description or anything at all suspicious in the area to please get in touch.

"I would also appeal for anyone who saw a Jaguar parked outside the Fairfield House Hotel, or a man running away towards Ayr Shore, to come forward."

The man was white, aged between 25 and 30 years old, clean shaven and well spoken.

He was wearing a dark jacket with the hood up and dark tracksuit bottoms.

Det Sgt Semple added: "We believe the suspect may have also been observing the victim's movements at his home in the days leading up to the incident and I would urge anyone who has noticed any suspicious activity in the area recently to contact police.

"Extra patrols will be in the area to provide reassurance and I would encourage anyone with information or concerns to approach them