11 things someone from Ayrshire would never say

From Whitletts Roundabout to Killie Pies - what would we never say about them?

Published 14th Jan 2016

1: The Whitletts Roundabout is perfectly designed.


2: I loved how TV programme 'The Scheme' really showed off the finer points of Kilmarnock...

3: More teenagers from elsewhere should get the train down to Troon beach. There's never any hassle.


4: Kilmarnock and Ayr Utd fans love each other like family


5: What's a Killie Pie?!

6: I have no opinion about the council whatsoever.


7: I don't know anyone who cycled round Arran as a child...


8: I think more fat guys should take their 'taps aff' at the first sight of sunlight... in January.

9: I don't have a favourite ice-cream shop...


10: I don't know who Robert Burns is. He was on X Factor, right?!

11: I completely understand how the Electric Brae works and have never told the kids it's just magic...