£1.2million boost for North Ayrshire Council as roads come under review

Published 20th Nov 2015

North Ayrshire Council is stepping up its wide-ranging roads improvement programme after identifying savings of almost £1.2 million.

Since the authority opted to retain direct provision of its roads service back in 2013, a series of measures and improvements have been introduced, resulting in this identification of annual revenue budget efficiencies amounting to £1.198 million, while improving the condition of our roads. This is expected to reach a total saving of £3.978 million by 2018.

Plans had previously been put forward for the three Ayrshire

councils to create a shared roads service and generate annual revenue efficiencies of £540,000 within five years.

North Ayrshire Council elected to retain direct provision of its roads service, leading to greater savings and effective new measures, including:

The implementation of a new internal service delivery model for

street lighting maintenance and a programme to replace street

lights with low energy units.

The development of a systematic asset managed approach to road maintenance which targets investment to the areas of most need. The implementation of lifecycle modelling software to inform

treatment types to maximise the value of investment, and

The purchase of new equipment enabling the use of new

techniques to improve the quality of road repairs.

Building on the initial success, service delivery will now be further

developed to ensure it aligns with the objectives and priorities within the recently-approved Local Transport Strategy.

This will concentrate on areas such as strategic links to Glasgow, accessibility and awareness of the Irvine Enterprise Area, and connections to key business and tourist areas.

Plans will also be brought forward to develop further opportunities for our young people by taking on more trainees.

Councillor Tony Gurney, Cabinet Member for Place, said North Ayrshire Council was determined to build on the success achieved to date.

Councillor Gurney added: “This review will signal an even greater effort on behalf of the Council to ensure that our road links provide benefits for all of North Ayrshire.

“It’s only right and fitting that we look at all the economic and environmental factors as we develop a 21st century roads network which will fulfil our ambitions.

“It’s particularly pleasing that while we have already made a number of improvements to our roads service and been nominated for a number of UK-wide awards, we have also managed to identify savings of £1.2 million.”

A long-term investment plan will be developed to deal with roads maintenance, while efforts will be made to improve satisfaction levels among drivers and pedestrians.

North Ayrshire Council is also aiming for a more strategic and resilient approach by having Roads and Streetscene work closely in areas such as winter maintenance, weather emergencies, road closures, and highway and lighting inspections.

Councillor Gurney added: “Whilst there are a number of skills that are specific to each service, there are also a number of common areas where skills are

complementary and interchangeable. These common areas, supported

by additional training, can provide flexibility to meet peaks and troughs in workload and also through an integrated planning approach enable a holistic approach and remove elements of duplication.”