WATCH: This Morning has the "craziest interview ever"

This Morning's guest paints with his private parts.

Published 26th Sep 2016

It's not something you would usually expect to see on a morning TV show, but This Morning today had a guest who painted with his manhood.

Tim Patch, known as Pricasso, paints portraits with his private parts and sells them online.

The UK-born artist, who now lives in Australia, appeared on the programme dressed in pink PVC with a matching hat and pink lipstick.

© YouTube/This Morning

Both Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby struggled to contain themselves throughout the interview as Tim explained how he came up with this unusual idea.

"The idea just popped into my head one day and I thought it has to be possible," he said, "I Googled it and there was no one doing it!"

Tim now takes orders for his portraits online and sells them for $200-$300 depending on the type of video that accompanies the painting.

As Tim explained the videos can either be 'R' or 'PG' rated, the difference he said later was whether or not he was "in a state of arousal".

Holly admitted at one point "this is probably the craziest interview I've ever done"!

WATCH: Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby interview Pricasso »