WATCH: Kevin Spacey attempts (and fails) Scottish accent in new TV advert

Last time we checked Kevin, that definitely isn't a Scottish accent.

Published 28th Jan 2016

Kevin Spacey, House of Cards and American Beauty star, has been heavily mocked online for his attempt at a Scottish accent in a new TV advert.

The Hollywood actor plays the part of a Scottish stonemason in an advert for online stockbroking company E-Trade in a campaign titled 'Opportunity is Everywhere: Accents'.

Sadly it didn't quite go to plan and the final delivery sounded more Irish than Scottish. Even worse for Kevin, the world of social media rarely misses a moment and fans were quick to highlight his vocal misjudgement.

Watch the advert here:

Now we'll let you draw your own conclusions, as long as that conclusion is 'Kevin Spacey's accent sounded Irish not Scottish.'

Kevin was quick to apologise and set the record straight. However, the actor opted for a slightly different approach with his apology and instead decided to insult both the Scots and the Irish in one tweet:

Bravo, Kevin!