WATCH: Jeremy Kyle gets knocked to the floor during a row between two guests

Not the best morning for Jeremy!

Published 26th Oct 2016

The Jeremy Kyle Show is no stranger to heated arguments on the stage, but luckily he has a team of security guards to keep things running smoothly.

Unfortunately for Jeremy, he was caught in the middle of a row between two sisters in the episode entitled ‘I’ll prove we’re not sisters- can you prove you’re not on drugs?’

When sister Kelly stormed out from backstage, the cameras quickly cut away from the action and in the next shot we saw the host on the floor.

According to the show’s Youtube channel, ‘Security Steve’ knocked Jeremy to the ground to protect him.

Luckily he wasn’t hurt, and had a playful rant at his security team after. Picking himself up off the floor, Jeremy shouted “I'm just back from holiday. I opened my mouth and get flattened by that. Steve where were you! I'm supposed to be the reason this show stays together, where were you?”

See the clip below:

It seems viewers of the show found the whole incident hilarious and took to Twitter to express their thoughts.

The Jeremy Kyle Show continues every morning. Let's hope his security team up their game!