H from Steps announces baby news in adorable way

He's been 'bursting' to share the news

Published 16th Dec 2015

'H' from the band Steps has announced on Twitter that he and his partner, Craig Ryder, are expecting twins.

H, also known as Ian Watkins, teased fans when he posted that he was 'bursting' to share some news.

The pair shared an animated video breaking the good news to fans.

It shows a cartoon version of the couple outside their first home with their pets and caption bubbles explain they've been on an adventure and now their wish has come true - they're going to be dads.

'But there's more' reads the next sign, followed by another announcing they're expecting twins.

The star tweeted to thank people for all their well-wishers since the news.

The couple had been expecting a baby in 2012 but the surrogate mother suffered a miscarraige.

Ian said it'd been the 'worst news' and he'd been left feeling 'empty' after it.