My Happy Place: Tom Hiddleston and more reveal all

Celebs at the Three Empire Awards reveal they feel happiest doing the simple things in life

Published 20th Mar 2017
Last updated 20th Mar 2017

A red carpet at an awards ceremony is a pretty happy place. Everyone's dressed up and a lot of people there are hopeful they might take home a prize.

It was no different at the Three Empire Awards, where people like Tom Hiddleston and Sir Patrick Stewart graced the red carpet with big smiles.

By chance the awards were held the day before the International Day of Happiness (yes, we can confirm, it's a real thing), so what better opportunity did we have to find out just what makes all these celebs happy!

Well, it's turns out there's nothing fancy or glitzy about the things these A-listers love, with them all admitting to feeling happiest when spending time with their loved ones, grabbing a Nando's or going out for a run.

Find out where Tom Hiddleston, Joe Dempsie and more feel at their happiest below >>>