Woman killed herself while worried about meeting over bullying claim - inquest

Children's activity centre worker Rosie Johnson went missing on the Isle of Wight

Rosie Johnson was found dead five days after she disappeared from an activity centre on the Isle of Wight
Author: Ben Mitchell, PAPublished 1st Jul 2021

A children's activity centre worker killed herself after she became "angry and worried'' before a mediation meeting with a colleague who had accused her of bullying, an inquest on the Isle of Wight has heard.

Rosie Johnson, the niece of a Scottish politician, went missing on the night of June 23 2019, from the PGL Little Canada activity centre in Wootton, where she worked.

Police and volunteers carried out extensive searches before the body of the 22-year-old - whose uncle is Daniel Johnson, Scottish Labour MSP for Edinburgh Southern - was found on June 28.

The inquest, held at Newport, heard that Ms Johnson, a field studies instructor from Aberdeenshire, had become upset over the bullying allegation which was found by PGL to be unfounded.

This had led to an argument with her boyfriend, Brendan Storer, a team leader, who had encouraged her to attend the meeting.

Coroner Caroline Sumeray recorded a verdict that Ms Johnson killed herself and said: "Rosie was distressed at the prospect of having this meeting the next day, it was a big deal for her, Rosie became focused and fixated on it.

"I can be satisfied on the balance of probabilities that it's more likely than not that Rosie got in a very sad place that night and did something utterly, utterly tragic and she did kill herself.''

Ms Johnson's mother Julie said the family were "devastated'' at her daughter's death and added: "She was a very active, energetic child, social, bright and cheerful. She loved animals and the outdoors inspired her.''

A PGL spokesman said: "Rosie was a valued colleague and member of our team, and her loss was a tragedy. Rosie's time with PGL was a very positive one.

"She was a bright person, good at her job, respected by colleagues and popular with the children she worked with.

"The thoughts of the whole PGL family remain with Rosie's family and friends at this very difficult time.''