Tougher action on those lighting fires in the New Forest

If approved, those flouting the rules could face £1,000 fine

Published 5th Dec 2022
Last updated 5th Dec 2022

People can now have their say on tougher measures, including £1,000 fines - for lighting BBQs and campfires in the New Forest.

Public Spaces Protection Orders are being considered following a sharp rise in those ignoring Forest bylaws.

It could also apply to people feeding and petting the ponies.

Cllr Diane Andrews, NFDC Deputy Leader, said: “A PSPO is a legal order that gives enforcement powers, including the power to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for breaches. This consultation is a chance for people to express their views about the proposal to make two PSPOs and I would encourage them to take part.”

Patrick Heneghan, New Forest National Park Authority Deputy Chair and Chair of the Recreation Management Strategy Steering Group (RMSSG), said: “We very much welcome New Forest District Council’s consultation on these two draft PSPOs as additional measures to help deter inappropriate behaviours in the New Forest.

"The New Forest is internationally important for its wildlife and many rare species; with hotter drier summers it’s more important than ever that we do all we can to reduce the risk of wildfires. The Open Forest and the habitats it supports are maintained by the commoners’ animals grazing the landscape.

"However well-intentioned, the feeding and petting of New Forest ponies can cause them serious harm, encouraging them closer to the roadsides and busy car parks and stopping them from seeking their own natural food. The draft PSPOs have the full support of the RMSSG.”

Craig Harrison, Deputy Surveyor of the New Forest said: “We have been working closely with New Forest District Council and our other partners across the New Forest to look at ways to enhance the care of this special place. Protecting the area from the growing risk of wildfires and their potentially devastating consequences is a key priority. Our teams have spent many hours this year preventing irresponsible use of BBQs and fires, and working with the emergency services to respond to incidents.”

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