School Streets for Bournemouth and Poole

Cars will be banned at drop off and pick up times

Published 4th Dec 2021

Working in partnership with local schools, BCP Council is planning to operate a series of School Street pilot schemes outside four suitable locations early next year.

School Streets involve temporarily restricting through traffic and parking on small roads immediately outside of schools during drop-off and pick-up times only.

This creates a safer and healthier environment for young people to walk, wheel, cycle or scoot to their school gates.

Residents and businesses in each area will have the opportunity to share their thoughts and provide feedback on their local pilot scheme in early 2022. Parents and carers will also be able to share their views before experiencing a School Street first-hand.

The four schools participating in the pilot scheme have been selected specifically to ensure there is minimal impact on the wider network. They include:

• St Michael’s CE Primary School, Bournemouth

• St Clement’s & St John’s CE Infant School, Bournemouth

• Hamworthy Park Junior School, Poole

• Livingstone Road Infant School, Poole

Councillor Mike Greene, BCP Council’s Portfolio Holder for Transport and Sustainability, comments: “I am pleased to announce that we are planning to run several School Street pilot schemes in the new year. These are supported by and will be operated in partnership with four participating schools.

"During these pilots, we will be giving everyone living and working in the four areas the opportunity to share feedback on their local scheme. We have already begun some initial engagement with residents, parents and businesses.

"This is an exciting new initiative, and we look forward to launching the formal consultation and implementation process from January.’’

Anthony Evans, Head Teacher of St Michael’s Primary School, said: “We want our children and their families to enjoy a healthier, safer and more active school commute. We are therefore delighted to be one of the first local schools to be taking part in a pilot scheme.

"If successful, this could enable more School Streets to be rolled out across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole in the future.’’

Similar schemes have already been adopted by other local authorities across the country, including parts of Hampshire.

If successful they will help to complement BCP Council’s wider Transforming Travel programme and declared climate and ecological emergency.

More details on each pilot scheme will be provided next year. For more information on School Streets, please visit: