Laser pens shone into pilot cockpits

Police are warning it's extemely dangerous

Published 5th Sep 2023

Police are warning of the extreme dangers of shining lasers into pilot cockpits after a number of incidents at Southampton Airport.

On five separate occasions over the last month, lasers have been shone at planes taking off and landing - some as high as 2000 feet in the air.

• On 29 July, at around 9.35pm, a pilot reported that a laser had been shone in their direction as they were preparing for departure from a house or housing estate.

• On 11 August, just after 9pm, a green laser was shone at an aircraft as it was climbing to 500ft upon departing the airport

• On 20 August, just before 10pm, a laser was shone directly at an aircraft at around 2,000ft in the air

• On 21 August, at approximately 9.40pm, a laser was shone at an aircraft just after taking off

• On 25 August, at around 9.15pm, a laser was shone directly at an aircraft as it was landing from the Lepe / Calshot area

People caught doing it could face up to five years in prison.

Eastleigh and Hedge End Inspector, Andy Mooge, said: “This activity is highly dangerous and irresponsible during any phase of flight, however during critical times such as landings at night, it is especially dangerous.

“We are committed to investigating all reports of this type and work alongside Southampton Airport, the airlines, National Air Traffic Service and our colleagues from the National Police Air Service, to take appropriate action to tackle this type of offending.

“A large number of laser incidents involve young people whose parents are not aware their child owns a laser or believe it is a suitable toy. It is not illegal to possess a laser pen but we are keen to stress to both adults and children that these items are dangerous, especially when shone directly at an aircraft.

“Lasers are not toys - they could lead to serious visual impairment for life if used in an inappropriate way.”