Island plan stalls after three hour meeting

No decision has been made on the Island Planning Strategy (IPS) despite a three-hour meeting tonight (Wednesday)

Author: Louise Hill, LDRSPublished 6th Oct 2022

The controversial planning strategy — which would set the Island’s housing targets for the next 15 years among other policies — was discussed at the Isle of Wight Council full meeting this evening.

Sparks flew about pushing through the plan to save the Island from unwanted developments but also airing concerns about using out-of-date data and lowering the housing target for the Island.

A motion to put the vote out to a six-week consultation, before sending it off for scrutiny and approval by the government’s Planning Inspectorate, was tabled by Cllr Paul Fuller, the cabinet member for housing.

After lengthy debate, Cllr Fuller’s motion fell by 18 votes to 16.

A second motion was tabled at the start of the debate by Cllr Chris Jarman, cabinet member for strategic finance and transformational change, to send the IPS back for consideration and recalculate the housing figures using the recently published 2021 census data, and not the 2014 figures as in the current IPS.

However, time ran out before the second motion could be voted on so no final decision has been made on the future of the IPS.

The crunch meeting could only run for three houses as per the Isle of Wight Council’s consitution and there is no room at all for the extension.

The IPS will come back to full council but it is not yet known when.

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