Delayed decision on plans to convert former museum into hotel

A decision should have been made a month ago

Royal Marines Museum
Published 1st Jun 2022

A decision on plans to convert the former Royal Marines Museum on Eastney seafront into a luxury hotel has yet to be made, a month past the deadline set by Portsmouth City Council.

Grand Hotel Excelsior International Limited has applied for the change of use of the building and a series of small extensions to allow its conversion into a 100-bed, five-star hotel.

The council’s planning department had set a deadline of May 2 for reaching a decision but a series of objections have been raised to the scheme, including from both the Victorian Society and Palmerston Forts Society.

‘The committee is concerned with the general quality of design for the

proposals,’ Victorian Society conservation officer Connor McNeill said. ‘This does not appear of the quality suitable for a building of this significance.’

He said the organisation ‘accepts the principle’ of the use of the building as a hotel but said there were a number of ‘key concerns’ about the designs submitted to the council.

These include the glass lift, changes to the accommodation wings and the ramps at the front of the building proposed in the application.

Twenty letters of objection have been submitted, opposing the conversion of the former museum into a hotel.

Alison and Gary Liddell, who live in The Drillhouse, said the building was not the ‘ideal’ location, with concerns about the potential for noise issues and a reduction in privacy for people living in the area.

‘This is a very quiet and well maintained estate, with a lot of older residents, a residential area adjacent to a designated site of importance for nature conservation,’ they said. ‘The reason why many have invested in living here – and it is an investment that comes with a large ongoing maintenance fee for all of us – is to enjoy the estate.’

They said rules forbidding the installation of double-glazed windows would exacerbate problems, making them ‘unable to add that extra barrier to noise’.

Should the council approve the planning application, the hotel would include a gym, function rooms, a dining hall and two bars.

‘This hotel development is a place to provide not only first-class accommodation, meals and services for guests, but this regeneration project brings a new life to the city of Portsmouth using this existing magnificent building,’ a statement submitted with its plans says.

‘Portsmouth has long been significantly lacking high quality four-star or above hotel accommodation affording unique amenities and facilities.

‘Along the seafront it only has limited three-star hotels and boutique hotels, all located on the Southsea attraction area.

‘With the Eastney historic background and public demands, there is extensive potential to develop the site.’

Originally constructed as the officers’ mess as part of the headquarters of the Royal Marines Artillery in the 1860s, the building became the National Museum of the Royal Navy – later renamed the Royal Marines Museum – in 1958.

But the museum was closed and the building sold in 2016 due to concerns about its ‘poor’ condition and the lack of adequate storage facilities. Its collection was transferred to a new base at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard in 2020.

The conversion of the building into a hotel, and the retention of the ‘iconic’ Yomper statue has been welcomed by the director general of the National Museum of the Royal Navy, Dominic Tweddle, who said it would see the building keep its historic connections.

Council leader Gerald Vernon-Jackson said the application would ‘almost certainly’ require a decision from the planning committee due to its controversial nature.

‘It’s going to be quite a difficult decision,’ he said. ‘It’s a listed building with major historical importance. It’s vital that it’s preserved – and enhanced where possible – and not lost.’