Council flat boarded up after 'truly awful behaviour'

Neighbours were too afraid to go out after dark

Burney House flat
Author: Jo RawlingsPublished 15th Aug 2023

A Gosport council flat has been boarded up after neighbours reported drug deals, violence, fires and late-night disturbances that left them afraid to go out after dark and scared for their children's safety.

Knives, an axe and other weapons were found in the property, along with Class A drugs. Gosport Borough Council staff had to visit the flat accompanied by police officers.

Now the council, supported by police, has obtained a court order to close the flat, in Burney House, South Street.

Portsmouth Magistrates Court was told that eight families live in the block, as well as vulnerable and elderly people. Residents had complained about constant visitors to the flat, noise, door buzzers being pressed day and night, drug-related activity, thefts, fires, and verbal and physical assaults. Visitors to the property even threatened a child, the court was told.

Residents also reported that a child coming home from school had found a woman collapsed in the communal hallway, by the flat, foaming at the mouth and incoherent.

Fires had broken out at the flat, causing the block to be evacuated, the court was told. But on at least two occasions people inside the flat appeared incapable of reacting to what was happening. Fire officers who visited after one of the incidents spotted a suspected drug deal taking place.

The anti-social behaviour continued despite clear warnings.

The flat has now been sealed for three months and the council is seeking to permanently evict the tenant. Anyone entering the property is liable to a fine, a prison sentence or both.

Cllr Sue Ballard, who chairs the council's Housing Board, said: "Residents in these flats have suffered from truly awful behaviour. The noise made by visitors to the flat left them suffering from chronic sleep deprivation. They felt intimated and afraid to leave their homes.

"Families with young children felt it was unsafe for them to play in communal areas because of the presence of unsavoury characters. Neighbours feared their homes might be burgled to fund drug habits.

"This kind of behaviour cannot be tolerated and we had to take this step. I'm glad the court agreed."

PC Vicki Wallace, from Gosport’s neighbourhood policing team, said: “Residents have had to endure appalling behaviour, threats and intimidation, which has quite simply made life miserable for them. This type of activity shows the long-term impact of illegal drug use and the effect it can have on the community.

“We work closely with our partners, including Gosport Borough Council, to target drugs supply and the knock-on effects. This closure order shows that we, along with our partners, will use any and all powers available to address the concerns of residents as we continue to relentlessly pursue criminals to keep our communities safe.

"Any breaches of the order will be treated as a criminal matter and could result in those responsible being arrested and prosecuted,

"We want to thank the local community for their help and patience, and those who were brave enough to assist us and Gosport Borough Council. I encourage anyone affected by drug use and anti-social behaviour to continue to report this to the police, the local council or their housing provider so it can be tackled."