Clean-up continues following devastating fire in Poole

17 hectares of land were destroyed

Published 29th Apr 2022

It's expected Canford Heath in Poole could take up to 20 years to naturally regenerate following last weekend's devastating fire.

17 hectares of land were destroyed on Saturday (23 April 2022).

Clean-up teams are still on site, rescuing wildlife including sand lizards and snakes.

In the days that followed, BCP Rangers, Urban Heaths Partnership, Conservation organisations, volunteers and other local groups have pulled together their response to the devastation.

This has included clearing litter exposed by the fire as well as operations to recover and record the bodies of deceased wildlife.

Over the last week, BCP Rangers have rescued and released eleven animals including five sand lizards and three smooth snakes, the UK’s rarest reptiles.

It is expected that further reptiles will continue to emerge as the weather gets warmer.

In collaboration with BCP Council, The Parks Foundation has now also set up a fundraising page.

Donations will fund repairs to the heathland fencing, purchase volunteer supplies and assist with surveys of reptiles and other wildlife.

It is expected that it will take fifteen to twenty years for Canford Heath to naturally regenerate but some operations will be conducted by BCP Rangers to assist with species recovery.

Smooth Snake

Rangers, the police and DWFRS volunteers will continue to closely monitor the heathlands as no rain is expected over the Bank Holiday weekend.

People living near heathland and other high-risk areas are advised to check their gardens and land surrounding their property for anything that could cause a potential fire.

At Canford Heath, fire defendable lines assisted in saving the properties close to the heathland.

BCP Council will continue to work with Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue service to assess the defence and see if any additional improvements can be made. The council will also be assisting DWFRS with house-to-house calls to discuss fire safety with residents.

Councillor Mark Anderson, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place, BCP Council said: “Our rangers devote their lives to cultivating and protecting our wild spaces however we cannot diminish the risk of fires completely.

"We would encourage those that live near the area to check what they are storing in their sheds that may be close to the heathlands.

"I’m pleased to hear that some positivity has come out of this tragic incident and I’m grateful to those that are dedicating their time to search for animals, clear the litter, provide supplies and of course donate to the cause.”

Cathi Farr, Chief Executive Officer, The Parks Foundation, said: “We have been so touched by the donations we have received so far to help protect the heath, which is already nearly £500.

"When such devasting things happen, it is great that we can all play our part in supporting these events in different ways; whether that’s by volunteering or perhaps by making a donation.

"These funds will really go a long way to protecting the heath for years to come.”