Big plans for the former Debenhams site in Southampton

Multi-million pound plans to redevelop the Debenhams site in Southampton have been unveiled

Author: Maria Zaccaro, local democracy reporting servicePublished 18th Dec 2021

The Debenhams building in Queensway could be demolished to make way for approximately 600 new homes in a move expected to create 250 jobs.

Developers said options to retain and re-use the existing building, with a retail or other commercial use, “were costed and considered but were not viable”.

The site was initially redeveloped in the 1950s and operated as

Edwin Jones until 1973.

It was then re-branded as Debenhams and traded until last year when it closed following the company’s collapse.

The new proposals have been put forward by National Regional Property Group.

Allan Gordon, the group’s managing director, said: “Not only will our proposals deliver high-quality much needed new homes in a highly sustainable location, but they will also help to rejuvenate a key part of the city.

“Importantly, we are proposing buildings of an appropriate height and scale for their location, using high quality materials which take reference from their surroundings and create an attractive addition to the street scene.”

Further details of the scheme, including a time-scale and the exact cost are yet to be revealed.

But developers said the plans would also include commercial space.

Deputy council leader Cllr Jeremy Moulton described the scheme as “exciting” and said it would provide much needed new homes, including affordable homes.

He added: “This part of the city will go through significant regeneration in the next few years with the redevelopment of the former Bargate Shopping Centre now under way and with a new school planned at Lime Street.

“The new council administration will be matching this development with improved public realm and greening and also improvements to local parks which will be on the doorstep of these new developments.”

He confirmed that the authority will be looking at improving sports facilities in the nearby Hoglands Park.

But detailed plans are yet to be revealed.

The redevelopment of the Debenhams site has also been welcomed by other city leaders.

Cllr Satvir Kaur, leader of the opposition on the city council, said: “I’m pleased regeneration plans are coming forward for this site, so that we don’t get left with a huge derelict building in our city centre.

“I know there is a desire by developers for affordable housing as part of their plans which I hope is honoured; we currently have far too many homes in Southampton being built that local people just cannot afford.”

Southampton Itchen MP Royston Smith added: “It is a great shame that the iconic Debenhams store had to close but the proposed redevelopment of the site it the right one.

“We need to provide quality homes for people and this particular area is a good place for those to be located. I am pleased the development will include an element of commercial space too.”