19 people face £800 fines over Portsmouth house party

Police were called to an Airbnb in St Chad's Avenue

Police were called to an Airbnb in St Chad's Avenue on Saturday 30th January
Author: Katie Callaghan

A house party has been stopped in Portsmouth this weekend, with 19 people facing the new £800 fines.

Police were called to an Airbnb in St Chad's Avenue just after 10pm on Saturday 30th January.

Three local men, all in their 20's, were also arrested - one on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker.

It comes just one day after another party was stopped by police in student accommodation in the city. Officers handed out 25 fines that time.

Hampshire Police have released a statement following the latest incident this weekend:

A total of nineteen people, most of whom were men and women aged in their late teens and 20’s, have been reported for summons in relation to £800 fixed penalty notices following a house party in Portsmouth.

Officers from the Response and Patrol and Neighbourhood teams attended and reported for summons those who had attended. They will now face £800 fixed penalty notices.

A man, aged 27, from Portsmouth, was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage.

Another man, also aged 27, from Portsmouth was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker.

Both men remain in custody at this time while our enquiries continue.

A third man, aged 24, from Portsmouth was arrested on suspicion of affray and using threatening/ abusive words or behaviour but was later released from custody with no further action.

He has been reported for summons in relation to a £800 fixed penalty notice.

Chief Inspector Rob Mitchell said:

“This was a blatant breach of the Health Protection Regulations that are in force to keep people safe during the pandemic.

“The people attending this party were putting themselves and their loved ones at risk from the virus. It’s actions like this that place increased and unnecessary pressure on the NHS.

“Anyone who does not follow the regulations faces a fixed penalty notice. The minimum fine relating to parties of 15 people or more has now increased to £800 following an announcement by the Government”.