Surprise! Grimsby vets find whole kinder egg inside ill dog

Bobo is now back on all fours and up to his usual tricks.

Published 5th May 2016

When nine-year-old Bobo the Weimaraner was rushed to the Blue Cross animal hospital in Grimsby in an ill state, his owner feared the worst.

Bobo was in a great deal of pain, had been sick multiple times and was extremely dehydrated.

At first, vets didn't know what was wrong with him but an x-ray later revealed a foreign body in his stomach and needed urgent surgery to remove it.

It was then that the surgery team realised Bobo had infact swalled a whole Kinder Egg plastic shell, along with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toy still inside.

Veterinary nurse at the hospital, Tracy Nicholson, told Viking:

“When our vets opened up Bobo’s stomach, they found a yellow egg-shaped box.

“The surgery team carefully removed the item and were shocked to discover not only had Bobo swallowed a Kinder Surprise plastic shell, but also that a Michelangelo Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toy was still inside!

"We weren’t able to find the wrapping, so we don’t know whether this passed through or whether the cheeky dog carefully removed it before swallowing the chocolate egg.

“Foreign bodies like toys can cause blockages inside a dog’s gut, which can sadly be fatal if not removed in time, so they need to be treated quickly."

Bobo has now made a full recovery and is back on all fours and back up to his usual tricks. He's under strict orders from vets though, as Tracy explains:

"After his surgery, our veterinary team monitored Bob closely and our nurses cared for him around the clock for two days.

"He needed pain relief, antibiotics, intravenous fluid therapy and a special feeding regime to get him back on his paws.

"Once he was well enough, Bobo was allowed to go back home under strict resting orders – and told to stay away from tempting chocolates!

"Bobo visited our hospital for check ups in the weeks following his treat feast and his owners report he is now back up to his usual tricks."