Students in Hull Record Christmas Single at Abbey Road Studios.

Four students from Archbishop Sentamu Academy created the charity single and music video over a space of two weeks.

Published 20th Nov 2015

The teens from the academy put together the single and chose to raise money for Doctors Without Borders. They explained to Viking FM they wanted to show how we all need to work together - across borders.

Ellie's 15 and sings in the music video, she thinks this has been a huge boost for the school...

'I'm getting younger, like the year sevens and eights coming up to me every day saying you're amazing, I'm so proud of Team Archie. And a little girl made me a card saying I was her inspiration. I've just got so much positive feedback.'

Paige is 16 and choreographed the dancers in the music video; she explains the historical Hull roots to the song...

'Within the video we've got something to do with Hull. It was created in Hull at first; the semaphore is the old way of communicating with other people on the boats. So we wanted to bring the past within the present.'

Ellie and Paige told Viking FM how they want to bring the city of Hull together with the song...

'We are Hull but you can be Hull with us. It's not just East Hull or West Hull. We can all support this song together. We are city of culture for a reason, that’s the reason behind it. There must of been something within the community for us to be city of culture.'

Elliot from South Coates plays his violin in the piece he explains how all of them have learnt from the experience...

'It just brings that element of fun back into the school life instead of having to sit there writing essays. You've got these amazing opportunities that you wouldn’t dream of being offered in a school. It's been amazing.'

Natalie's 16 and sings in the music track explains what an amazing opportunity this has been...

'When you get given a opportunity like this, even though you’re still balancing the work it’s a bit of a stress reliever. It is because you can kind of leave your studies behind, come and just have fun and enjoy yourself. At the end of the day we are teenagers, it’s what you’re supposed to be doing.'