Plans in place to get pedestrians and cyclists back on the Humber Bridge

People can email their information to Humber Bridge staff which would then be passed to security guards

Humber Bridge
Author: Joe Gerrard Local Democracy Reporter Published 19th Apr 2021

Hull West and Hessle’s MP has said Humber Bridge officials now have plans in place to allow cyclist and pedestrian commuters back onto footpaths following their recent closure.

Emma Hardy says post cyclists could now email their information to Humber Bridge staff which would then be passed to security guards.

The MP added pedestrians wanting to use the bridge to get to work could also email with their details and security guards will let them pass.

Ms Hardy met with the Humber Bridge Board on Friday 16th April and comes after footpaths were closed following a spate of deaths in March.

Humber Bridge Board members heard in a separate meeting today that a staff member is currently being supported after witnessing multiple “tragic incidents”.

Humber Bridge Chief Operation Officer Andrew Arundel told board members the staff member had witnessed “a couple” of incidents but did not reveal their nature.

The bridge’s footpaths were closed on Saturday, April 3 after six deaths were recorded in 31 days.

Ms Hardy said Humber Bridge Board Chair Cllr Sean Chaytor told her more than 30 people had offer to volunteer at the bridge:

“I’ve just met with the Chair of the Humber Bridge Board and things are progressing well.

“Contractors were on the bridge on Monday and Tuesday looking at where additional CCTV can go and where a power supply could come from.

“A few people asked me why only the west walkway was open and this is because contractors can only access the internal workings of the bridge on the east side and maintenance work is still going on.

“The chair wanted me to communicate that they want to open for leisure users ASAP and that the closure is temporary and they will never charge cyclists or pedestrians for using the bridge.

“I am meeting with the Humber Bridge Board chair again next Friday and I will update you all again.”

Mr Arundel’s comments came after board member and North Lincolnshire Councillor Richard Hannigan asked what mental health support was in place for staff in light of recent incidents.

Mr Arundel said:

“We have an all encompassing system for staff well being.

“We had one member of staff who witnessed a couple of tragic incidents and they’re being supported.”

Board members also heard a total of 25 staff members had been tested for coronavirus, with eight positive cases found.

A report to the board stated the impact of coronavirus on income would likely continue beyond the 2020-21 financial year.

The board also heard the Brexit transition, the coronavirus pandemic and changing driving habits due to home working were the top three risks to the bridge.

Cyclist and pedestrian commuters and those interested in volunteering can email Humber Bridge officials on: