Lib Dems celebrate as they take control of Hull City Council

They beat Labour in yesterdays election

Lib Dems celebrate
Author: Andy MarshPublished 6th May 2022

The Liberal Democrats are celebrating after taking control of Hull City Council from Labour.

In yesterday's elections they secured 29 seats against Labour's 27.

There's one independent but the Conservatives have no councillors now on the Council.

Tory leader John Fareham lost having previously been the party's sole councillor in Hull.

We spoke to the man who'll now be the new leader of the Council Mike Ross.

He told us: "We're very clear it's not for us to have all the answers, we want to hear what local residents of Hull want to happen in the city, we'll get out into communities and listen to local residents."

It was also likely to be a two way fight for the council.

Deputy leader of the Lib Dems Jackie Dodd told us she was elated.

"We want to go forward and get change for the city, we've worked really really hard and it's just an opportunity now,"

So it's out with Labour and in with the Lib Dems.

It goes against the general national trend.

Labour have made some progress there, although they might not have made the gains some had predicted.