Hull has the highest number of smokers in whole country

It seems many are now turning to e-cigs to give up the habit.

Published 8th Mar 2016

After we revealed Hull is the worst place in the country for smoking - it seems many are now turning to e-ciggarettes in a bid to kick the habit.

Vaping has for the first time become more popular than more traditional ways of trying to give up smoking such as nicotine gum and patches.

New research shows around 2.6 million of the 8 million smokers in England tried to quit in 2015 – with nearly two-fifths of these using an e-cigarette.

This compares to just over a quarter who used traditional licensed nicotine product in their quit attempt.

Earlier this week we told you how almost a third of people in Hull smoke - that's 10% above the national average. While in Grimsby - almost 30% of people are also lighting up.