Businesses Asked To Support Hull 2017

A new scheme, called the Business Club, was laucnhed by Lord Peter Mandelson today.

Published 2nd Feb 2016

Businesses in Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire are being asked to show their support to Hull's 2017 City of Culture year.

A new initiative to get more local businesses investing in next year's events has been launched by Right Honourable Lord Peter Mandelson today.

Around 18 million pounds needs to be raised to successfully deliver the 365-day programme.

The Business Club builds on the success of the Bid Angels, which saw 22 of the region’s businesses each pledge £17,000 to support Hull’s bid for City of Culture status.

Speaking to Viking, Lord Mandelson, said:

"The City of Culture year in 2017 will put Hull on the UK and European map.

"It is a pleasure to be back in Hull to launch the Hull UK City of Culture 2017 Business Club. This is an opportunity for businesses to publicly show their support for Hull 2017 and to become part of a forward-thinking collective that will make a direct impact on the success and the legacy of City of Culture.

“You don’t have to look far to see the progress that is being made towards the transformation of this city. With less than one year to go until Hull becomes UK City of Culture 2017, the impact of the title and its associated economic benefits are plain to see. Hull is undergoing a period of rediscovery that is bringing jobs and investment to the region. It is now up to all sectors to continue working together to make the most of every opportunity that Hull 2017 brings.”

Chief Executive of Hull 2017, Martin Green, said:

“We’re launching Business Club in response to demand from the local business community. Our business people have long been telling us they want more ways to become more involved with City of Culture. Business Club is a partnership package with mutual benefits at a time when the eyes of the world will be on Hull.

“Of course, we will never forget the role our original Hull Bid Angels played during the bid for City of Culture status. The scale of support from local businesses and the wider community played a significant role in the judge’s decision to award Hull the title and our Angels have seen increased media interest, opportunities to network and to grow their business as a direct result of this."

“Business Club expands on the amazing success of our Angels. It allows a wider network of aspirational business partners to come on board, to capitalise on the opportunities that a city of culture brings with it, and to become a vital part of the 2017 story.”