Attitudes need to change towards obese people - as 90% say they've suffered abuse

Health experts in Yorkshire say attitudes towards obesity need to change NOW to stamp out stigmas and tackle the crisis

Author: Ellie KumarPublished 15th May 2018

As new figures reveal more than 1 in 10 people in Yorkshire and North East Lincolnshire are obese...

Health experts here say attitudes towards obesity need to change NOW to stamp out stigmas and tackle the crisis

The NHS has been accused of failing obese people as nearly 90% say they have suffered abuse because of their size.

A survey by MPs and peers found that around 88% of people with obesity reported being stigmatised, criticised or abused because of their weight.

The report, by an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), has warned that the additional pressures on the NHS will be unsustainable'' if more is not done to tackle the crisis.

It has backed calls by figures such as celebrity chef Jamie Oliver for a 9pm watershed on advertisements for junk food, in a bid to tackle childhood obesity.

The survey also found that:

94% of all respondents believe that there is not enough understanding about the causes of obesity42% of obese people with obesity did not feel comfortable talking to their GP about their weightMore than 33% of people with obesity stated that they have not accessed any lifestyle or prevention servicesThe APPG has called for a national obesity strategy to ensure children are protected from junk food'' and that everyone has access to advice and treatment.

It stated: Access to effective obesity services is currently a postcode lottery, with decisions on funding for obesity services being made by local commissioners.

A whole-system approach with government backing, they said, would make action more likely.''

It has also called for an investigation into whether obesity should be classified as a disease in the UK.

Chairman Andrew Selous MP said: The Government made some progress with the 2016 childhood obesity strategy.

But it is time to re-examine where adults with obesity can seek help, and to introduce a 9pm watershed on junk food advertising to tackle childhood obesity.

It is unacceptable that people with obesity can seek advice from their GP only to find local commissioners have not put in place any services.''

The APPG has also recommended that there be a cost benefit analysis of earlier intervention and treatment of patients with obesity.

Mr Selous added: We want to see the NHS provide an appropriate and uniform service to people with obesity across the country.

If we don't tackle the obesity crisis effectively, the additional pressures on the NHS will be unsustainable.''

Professor Jonathan Valabhji, national clinical director for obesity and diabetes at NHS England said: Being overweight or obese is associated with greater risks of many of the common forms of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, Type 2 diabetes and a number of other illnesses - causing personal suffering and costing the health service and in turn the taxpayer, billions of pounds every year.

And for all of those conditions, wherever possible, prevention is preferable to cure.

Our own sugar restrictions, the new sugar tax and the NHS Type 2 diabetes prevention programme are all part of what needs to be a concerted effort to address obesity.''

:: The report included an online survey and responses from around 1,500 people, of whom 48% were obese and 52% were healthcare professionals