1 in 5 people here skipping meals in favour of binge drinking

A Hull health expert is now warning of the dangers of 'Drunkorexia'.

Published 18th Aug 2016

There are warnings today about the dangers of skipping meals in favour of binge drinking as more than 1 in 5 people here in Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire admit to the behaviour.

Increasing numbers of people are cutting back on food so that they can save up the calories to consume more alcohol - and not put on weight.

It's being called 'Drunkorexia' and young men are apaprently more guilty of it than women - according to a new report today.

That's Ali Haynes is from the Humber NHS Foundation Trust and told us:

"There are harms associated with that level of alcohol abuse and it not being nutrionally good as well as the fact that the body is having to metabolise vast quantities of alcohol. The body needs a good, well-balanced diet in order to function correctly.

"It can affect people's mood and emotional wellbeing which people don't often consider in terms of this sort of behaviour. Also with the body being under such duress, it can have a big impact on the liver and when people are using over the recommended limit of alcohol it can also have a risk associated to cancer so there are all sorts of risks that people are entering into.

"A binge approach to anything, whether that be alcohol or any other substance puts the body under a lot of pressure to metabolise what they're ingesting very quickly and what also happens is that people also become dependant on alcohol without even realising as they normally associate dependency with drinking every day.

"It probably is more of a problem than we first realised and often young people are coming to us with a range of issues surrounding this behaviour."