Thomas collects his Trike

Thomas Mills is 2 years old and has downs syndrome. He lives in Hull with his mum and dad.

Cash for Kids have recently provided Thomas with a second hand trike - the trike is specially adapted to help support Thomas and offer him the chance to ride a bike for the first time!

Before collecting his new bike a couple of weeks ago, Thomas only used a pram, so he was a little unsure of riding his new tryke for the first time when the Mills family went on their first trip out.

Thomas obviously loved his new found freedom and being able to reach out and touch the bushes!

The trike will be a tremendous confidence booster for Thomas – providing him with the opportunity to experience life outside of his pushchair, with the added bonus of building important muscle strength!

When he does outgrow the tryke, it will be passed on again to help another child!

If you know of a family or organisation looking for help please contact Cash for Kids at or download our grant application form here